Jan 22, 2007

The first day to school

I saw my father coming carried a package for me. He bought new suits ,shoes and pretty bag, small blackboard and chalk. I was wondering why he was so good that day . My curiosity couldn't last longer so rapidly changed that I went to ask him.

I was strangely questioned by my father before I took my questions out.

"Do you wanna go a place called school; you will meet many children and learn in there", he asked. I nodded my head without knowledge of what he means. "Very well , you are good" he completed.

Then he took me school and enrolled me as well. Next day, he saw off us. it's my sister, who is two years older than me , reappearing the school with me.

When I entered the compound, I saw many children were playing, running ,wearing uniforms. I looked at myself wearing brand new pink gown and totally new shoes. I smiled pleased myself. As we reached the classroom, my dad introduced me with the teacher. She was pretty old bearing nice smile and looked at me saying that" she looks nice and you become now a student ,tomorrow change your clothes O.k.". my father asked me smile to the teacher and I obeyed him.

My father gave me the last hug and asked me not to cry in the classroom then departed. The teacher accommodated me next to a bulk girl who looked little bit powerful in the room. we soon become friend and she told me that she was monitor, a couple of years older than me and failed the exam twice, becoming the strongest and oldest one. Unless I obeyed her, she had rights to beat me, she said. it's very noisy to sit still in this class. the classroom teacher returned to her desk working very busy with new registrations .he wouldn't start the lesson for a few days as the beginning of the reopening .many people seemed parents were coming and going out. they left their kids just as my dad left me. some students were amusing attending new place though some were totally went wild, while the other were burst of crying when their parents left them. it's crazy to see such sight for me .i soon found boring and desired to eat snack.

A hot and pitch suddenly break out on my arms when I eat the first chip my dad gave me. I looked up the wild creature, and saw the bully girl muttering "don't you now, you're not allowed to eat food during class hour"

the minutes passed, I gazed here and there. meanwhile, I saw poor students like me. the monitor was really wild nut. then I moved my easy to another direction, it's the girl who pick her nose and a boy bite his nail. they looked very nasty ,I though and I turned my face to find new seeing.

i heard some noise at once. I went to find out what's going on. children closed their mouth and nose with their hands. some were laughing stared at a boy who has been freaking out. the boy appeared awfully bad ,taken off his pants. the lady told him to get out of the class right away and staying in the bathroom.

in the mean time, another girl lost her control and released shit.

everybody have a look at her ass. she was shaken and started to cry. number of older students were called. they'd responsibilities to clean such sort of shit very

often. they usually took in charged seriously because they got popularities helping out younger, the bully girl explained.

it's almost the whole day spending sitting silence. then the boxing was took placed in my back row. two boys were fighting ,kicking each other, and argued that the ball was their belonging. one of them was hurt and begun crying. they were reported to teacher. she solved that complicated case. In the end, both of them were beaten as a result of fighting.

when I felt I wanted to have nap, a burst of crying come out near me. A little fair girl shouted out and accused the other that she has been pitching her since she sit beside her. some were curious to know what's going on while the others were going to sleep. I didn’t care no matter what'd happened cause I really went to have nap as rapidly.

I opened my eyes slowly and looked around by my side. almost everyone was putting their faces on the desks. I wanted to go toilet but nobody help me. then I looked for my sister reading in the other room. I saw her away. then I rushed to her and told her what I want. she helped me going toilet. t that time, we heard that bell .we went back to our rooms and cough up with singing. National anthem. I supposed I need to learn that song by heart sooner I can. when the last bell ring, all the kids rushing out to the doors including me. my sister was waiting for me as well as my father. he asked me in no time "are you happy".

I saw him laughing hearing my reply. I said.


true but crazy

It wasn't until 2005, I never did like cat as my pet. When my parents planed breeding cat , I strongly disagreed did so. Eventually, according to my parents decision, The cat(Lilac Tortie Burmese)named Di Di which was expecting kittens was brought to our room. i didn't appreciate her that much till she delivered babies cats.

When the kittens come into my life, I though it's the best try to rise pet for the first time. Di Di gave up three babies called Seth, Henrik and Stina who were very cute. there wasn't enough space for few cats, we decided to give Later cats away. it's happened to breed only Seth and his mother who wasn't able to pregnant anymore.

When Seth grew up, he became the smartest cat that I ever saw. he learned so quickly that he acted like a boy. he was the only meal in our house when my father wasn't not at home.

Our relationship was completely strong. He was not only a very good cat also intelligent. he was sweet chocolate for all of us, especially for my youngest sister. she loved him so mush so that she felt it's the only creature to care for. we never find bore to talk or play with him. he seemed he understood what's his part playing in important role in my family. We were the happiest family with him, thanks to Seth.

But every single day has nuts. sometimes, we were weird because we were never good to him. We played him in so many way making Seth unhappy for we just considered that our making fun was sort of fun for ourselves . However, the truth was that he looked he wasn't appreciated made fun himself. we were supposed to find out "when I play with my cat, who knows whether he isn't amusing himself with me more than I'm with him", said Michel de Montaigne(1533-92).

Unfortunately, it's time depart. it's very dark night for him as we lost him. He was terribly injuries and died of cold. He fall down from the high building and broke legs. Even though we tried our best to save his life, he didn't stay with us any longer. He left us for ever and ever.

When we recalled him talking of his activities and abilities, miss him after all.

His images were going around in our flat. we never forgot what he used to do when he was simply fall for our family.

it's very hard to lose him for us. we couldn't stop talking of him since we lost him. he was the best cat and performed his duty himself till he died.

For me, I still imagine Seth as I'm pretty sure I won't able to breed another one anymore.

Jan 21, 2007

The Network of society

The simple community is fundamentally realistic building in which is most important in life. The singular structure of the society is made up of above communities and perform it’s job by itself hoping the result of everyone in these groups. They have love, sympathy, kindness and unity. Each of these are related to another and become a league. There is no leader not because of unnecessarily but because of everyone has good enough sense to become a leader.

When the group is come along with rightful, keen and enthusiastic like a strong rock in the storm , everybody will be believing. Your believe make you success and embrace untouchable mindfulness with great sacrifice. As soon as you believe, you’ll get along what you want even though you’re facing the difficulties. Then you’ll posses a strength or power like courage that cause you over come every problems. When you able to endeavor , you’re pretty brave to charity what you are owning right now. After that, you’ve passed a level in society and you always think of the future. At the same time, you can work out the result of future plan and arrange the right life.

Having the sense of responsibilities you’re dare to execute the moral obligation with physical courage. Thus, you are granted the courage by the nature. As you understand what you’re doing, you become more and more confidence yourself realized the situation around you. Then you’ll see what’s the reason of the man ,why you become a mankind after that the end is getting clear and you able to walk this path of your way. So you can think it over why human being is better than else. However, it is no use of visiting in living thing when you lack of sense of duty.

Sense of duty makes smooth the path of your life. You just consider the obligation, you are forced to choose yourself. If so, what’s obligation. you’re obliged to become a good citizen is obligation? or cleaver son or daughter is obligation? Or the helpful person around your surrounding could be the one? Unless you able to charity your own interests as if you were richest man ? Or you’re giving up your abilities so that the other can have it? At last, all of them? It is scarcely to find out what’s obligation. As a matter of fact, you may find it hard to figure out this one. No matter how much you don’t understand what’ is one, all you need to do is right way of thinking.

Likewise, if you don’t have right way of living , you can’t be worthy of a man. when you’re happy because of you’re rich in everything that should have human society . Being happy isn’t come out of your inside unexpectedly . Anything has reason .Otherwise, the earth wouldn’t be existed. Yes, accepted that everything has reason ,similarly reason has resources to become a event. when you’ve sense to understand the resources, you’ll get the answer. If you didn’t think that why there are causes, it is little chance to know that effects. That’s how , all you need is to get right way of thinking that make you work out the reasons. It is time that you able to find out the diseases , you will see the medicine . So, you’ve do is to get to know that the disease then medicine is ready to cure if you keep on trying.

Time is passing away day by day. Your life is getting shorter and shorter .The rest of your life would be worthy no matter how much you wasn’t able to perform in the past. Present is priceless and you can make time last when you get a sort of power. You need to workshops your brain , organize your thoughts , pertain your labor. Still your abilities should use as soon as you accomplish your success. Success come out not by chance. you’re to attempt to get succeed in your aim. Therefore, you are necessary to accommodate above intention.

Even a beggar has invaluable qualification he or she acts before the public. No shame and small but encourage to improve themselves. They’re totally brave and were asked to perform it’s duty so that they can get to live on. As well, we don’t need shyness if we want to be successful man around our society. No matter what did happen in your past, just face the current situation with the brave it’s none other than you.

Your brain is to work out the sums before you right now. Earlier that case, you’ve to know what you’ll have to do in the future. Just pro-thinking and make out the result. Being a great man isn’t concerned intelligent but it’s your pre-plan or arrangement.

When you consider that you’re strong and mightily ,being faith in yourself, peculiar strength would be happened in you. It’s the gift from the mindfulness of your action. Meanwhile. you’ll find yourself can do double attempt ion.

you’re going to try a plan to come along with you, there is tow most possible ways. one is that you’d get considerable trumpet and the other is what you’d probably lose that one. likewise , there is always 50 % sure for success and failure. Both are equal for the moment; when you begin to work it out with self-confidence, plans you had arranged, you would be 90% to get your goal. however, you do nothing , you’ll lose 100%. all of your skills and plans. when you make out, even though you wouldn’t get fully success, you’ll get invaluable experience of that job and posses a power to risk that cause you believe in yourself.

The individual qualification is rather adore. Each man would do whatever they’re facing the issues current position. No man would care for his own problem but himself or his society. his society made up of his environment which is classified his life where he wanted to be. His growing up is made any reason from his own circumstances that would encourage or discourage or both. No wonder why a man isn’t bad or good , it is what because of his mental confidence.

Too much caring your surrounding cause you in trouble sometimes. you’re too depend on this ,fearing what someone keeps his eyes on you, you set back what you’re going to do .e.g you want to wear sun glasses , someone said it’ isn’t going with you, then you might probably take it off. actually, he or she destroys your self confidence. in fact, you should do what you want no matter how much it doesn’t’ go with you. Because of your fear, you’d delay one thing.

you’ve to know what's the real surrounding around you. The true and truth of your real surrounding is none other than but yourself. there is need not to seek them just because you’ve it inside of your heart. you’ve to motivate yourself, cultivate your habit your spirit, restore your way of thinking.

So the truly deeply melody of your future with gold is depends on your way of living and thinking. it seems to be no other way to develop your life just make your mental condition strong whatever you’re . The real network of society is you and your concerned .Still, you’re the one can execute whatever you want no matter how much your circumstances overwhelming on you. you’ve to do is believe in yourself that you’re right and doing good for your society.

love and gift

about Gift and Love. Read this out and get more Gifts.

When two people in love, they'd like to give gifts each other showing that how much they love. it is just love and gift are matched because given gifts makes people more close or familiar. Sometimes feel like touch heart to heart as if they were very near even though they're far away.

when you says you'd like to get gifts from your boyfriend or girlfriend, you've got to say something that made them wants to pay you lovely gifts. Still, if you're really touch his or her heart like candy, you're sure to get gifts more. Yet, you've to know that you love him or her deeply because it means reaction.

Sometimes, someone who is one sided loved might give you gifts when he really likes you. it depends on what you're. sometimes people in love without meeting each other. then such kind of love is firmly eternally completely accomplished. the end is cheerful as they've got so many connection that make them closer ever after. An important connection is gift and when then you give a gift to one who you love , you feel cheerful as well as the others.

you can't believe what the strongest thing in love is. it's seriously important for people longing for something like what they need most in their life.

people make each other safe no matter where they are, just like they said "I love you"

well as the final statement of getting gift is none other than just love. love is the very essence of anything that cuase us loving.

child labor

Many people thinks that lots of job need to be done for them without much wages using cheapest labor that shouldn't be happened in our place at this time of ages. However, most of the people believe that they'd pay anything to someone who has no enough sense to perform their career for themselves , they would get something back in return .As above mentioned, children were used as very cheaper than else.

child is innocent and pure. they didn't know the human society at their age. however, they've got to do as the situation is asking for it. just as they were forced to do what they don't really appreciate. they don't have rights to refuse for being born in unqualified parents.

somehow, people naturally prefer younger people to do more things needed to be done. that's the way why capitalism would rather to have younger people than old.

child are cheaper than younger and would do in any place so that you less cost can be happened. which cause child is to utilize all over the place, especially in my country such as in café, pub house, store and house maid.

Number of street kids are increasing seriously . child who couldn't afford to get higher education in schooling happened to send these sorts of places to end their living or support their family.

little educated parents usually rely on there own kids not even they would give feed them. likewise, being beggar is easy to earn living and the other children can be forced to be the same life. In this way of thinking and living can't lead a better life as they can be left the same families as they used to be , which appear less decrease the intelligent man who able to be middle class in the state where is much percent of poor people.

The Earth and love

The earth is very pretty, amazing blue planet for millions of living to exist. It' owns strongly forces in gravities so that living things able to stand on its' surface. what we assume that the earth is our mother living alive as if it were being a human, we would find out that we've been demolished her day by day.

Still, the Kids of her own rob their mother themselves.

Just like that, people shave her hair cutting down the threes on her surface.

Penetrating the belly of our mother, we dig the natural resources for fuel burning for our won sakes'. nobody wants to save the mother.

Still, sons destroy breathing air for our mother, transmitted polluted air in to the atmosphere. making warming more than ever, her resistance of humiliation can be decreased now and then.

waste materials were put out mostly in to the ocean can be polluted the water surface. it doesn’t' really matter for a while at all. time and again we just force our mother suffering, lie taking off her energy lying understand the sea. Having millions of storage to utilize for us we are greeting to take more than we need, making ourselves getting richer.

She is the most beautiful all over the universe as long as she can live. I can't imagine when she'll leave us without knowledge of ours.

The amazing mother has thousands of secrets inside and outside. Neither do we now nor anything does how would she have treated us. the tolerance of living has enough limited.

she will take care of us no matter what'd happened . When she feels that she is responsible to protect her children, she would sacrifice for us naturally. But who knows how long she can do so.

Knowing the gratitude of our mother, we should tae care of once in our life time. saving from her the troublesome she stays in, we are supposed to lift her from the darkness. we're actually relying on each other so that we can face the danger together. we can't see the disasters coming anywhere at all,

Unless we wouldn’t prepare, everything can be demolished by the enemies.

The earth has been adjusting the situations for existing. e.g. she prevented from the increasing of population releasing something into the surface. in her opinions,

as options, she would perform something that we can live on. she might be planning for something we couldn't know.

As mother of nature in the universe, she wouldn't feel ill of fail us. that's how we owe her one to grant her being living in the Mickey way . mostly we rely on her, it's vital of

important to save our mother for love.

काट me, my feeling

It was darkness that I used to live for some times, and all of sudden, I come out of this with something pushing to me. I never knew what’s it but trying me start to feel light very first time of particular place. later I come to know it is my mom who pushed me to get rid of her belly. Meanwhile, I realize that I was born in very special day of the nature ,later they call it “Birthday”. Well, it’s supposed to be nothing a cat life, no worry, no care and job but sleeping and eating everyday. You think , I don’t use my brain for something to work out? Of course not, I’ve to think of what I’m and I’ve to do even as a cat and how much I can do for my lords. There are too much works need to be done in everywhere whatever you’re. There is job for everybody, as I consider like that, I’m responsible to do so. HAHA… I’m very proud of myself thinking like that. OH, well- I’ve to talk my life now. I was born in very particular home in which is big family. And I’m fortunate being born in this house with many people .I'm very lovely pet for them. In my opinion, I’m their heart and it’s a cake for these people. But, I’ve to admit that I’m not very happy living in here cause I’ve no freedom. I can’t do whatever I want and it’s the most miserable thing for me as I love to do what I want plays important role for animals, like me .So, I try to perform what is liberty and I get along it. I achieve the freedom sometimes when I make my lords unhappy. They never let me get out of the house for they want me to stay inside forever with them. They always try to control me as their pet, foolishly to say they make me their servant I think, and they would rather make me their playing thing though they love me a lot. Hardly to say that i enjoy myself in here though I can live with luxury. But partly is quite wrong as they make me spoil my abilities of cat and thinking of the new life with a female. So I keep trying to visit getting out of room everyday so that I able to feel my own time rolling on the ground and imagining of what a cat. After all this year, i live in being for one year and I encounter lots of different things to a cat. I often get my right time to visit or play the other place where I never belong to. If possible, I want to live there forever .yet for some reason, I can’t leave my house. To be honest, I love this family though they give me trouble But all I have to do is obtain my chances to live freely with good dreaming for the future that can give me hope shining through the day of oppressive and it is pretty impressive or amazing. Hmm, let me pause here for a while, I want to show up myself. However, I’ll mention on what’s going on.
Now let me resume my narrating again. I’ve told you that I i was played as lovely pet. Can you imagine the feeling of cat if you were a cat? Honestly to say that my landlords love me a lot. In my point of view, I’m just an animal. Besides, I only suppose that they raise me just because their heart content. When I come to know why they love me, I feel sorry. Everything has reaction is completely right. Therefore, it costs me myself to attain the freedom in realizing I lost my skills in which cat is supposed to have practiced abilities. Having no time for doing that I was ended up the terrible result. It is what because of I was forced to stay in door. But, the consequents of trying to be achieve my chances, I please my rewarding success that make me free from a cat life. In my last breathing, I never remorse what I did try for my opportunities which keep me much more happier life.