Jun 21, 2007

just a short note to a friend

Dear friend,
let me wish the best care for you and hopefully guess that you'll find it enjoy the short note from me.

Basically, Burmese people are strong enough to move on, live on or exist on even under this situation which has economic crisis, money inflation tht make lives difficult to enjoy, Howeever. people are too fear to spring out of this ondition and becomeing igonorance which lead them realize what the political is not concerned with them. Somehow, they are fear of powerful weapon that can take off their breathe at once if they get involved in home affair. Still, fear from their heart is the greatest enamy who will kill them being low class, uneducated and unquilified life that would creat the unstsasfied society not only for family but also for the environment. Have the youth removed the weakness of fear from them, and just give up very little of individual sake, the State would be the Great as becasue the youth have more power, strength and attemption, goal and future which is the most important for Being human. Nowadays, the Future of youth is dawn looked like the dim among the brillitant world. Not because they have future, but because they have drak future that make the unwanted wrold of their own,as having not oppotunities, cnahces and education in pretened country. All this affects were created by the fear, it'd be the dear life if they youth lighten the dim time they're haing right now, as getting rid of the fear from the deeper.

Thank you for reading this note,friend, i hope you'll apprecaite what i'm trying to find out ,meantime, you'll find it easy to realize what's Freedom from Fear.
Hope everything will be fine with you.

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