Jul 17, 2007

Women and Thanakar

Thanakar is very special wood used by burmese people. The only nature make up in Burma is unique Natural product which is the coolest for burmese's women skin and beauty.
Burmese women intend to protect their skin form the direct sun ray putting on thanakar on their skin particularly on their face which is shinining yellow on the browny cheeks.the wood is not only the sing of beauty but also the peaceful.
Both male and female fond on making up thanakar especially in summer time when humitidy is all overacted. On the other hand, Thanakar is chaper than cosmetic product. Therefore very burmese women prefer to buy thanakar for special purpose, somehow, the thanakar making up girl able to attrat the man who wanna smell the sense of fragrant. ;-)(-:

Using thanakar is easy way to make up yourslef. just buya piece of wood, and a small cirled curved stone. then ground the wood on the stone to produce some yellow liquid which is easy to shape. Then pick some to wear on your face especially your cheeks. Having different shape such as circle, suqare, leaf, flowers. Most of the people like Bit circle on the flat cheeks. it looks beautiful.

Thanakar pocesses many properties like coolest, pretty, storng , good smell and helpful.Many poeple in Burma support that the wood is traditional medicine using for cure your headahce. i believe that thanakar is bet product for burmese womean no matter how mcuh the cosmetics product appear rapidly. very tradtional burmese still prefer to have that wooden product within less costs.

It's clear that Thanakar is pure and nature. cheaper and useful, it's very unique in worldwide and it has been attracted many people who is interested in burmese customs.

Jul 15, 2007


Woman is naturally the weak person, as our burmese aspect. But when poeple would be surprised is Many of bravey women emerge all over the world. Women play important role, being they're strong enough to get involved every case, issuses.

Physically women would definatly be weak, mentally, they're strong enough to make excat decisions which is vital of importance for their family, environment, society and politics.

as the time is passing by, while every nation leads their country to get justice and peace , our nation is trying to get freedom, human rights and democracy.

peaceful and justice country like ours nation, why women are suffering from teh terrible system, awful domestic violence and sexual hurssement. Basically, the funtenmental of burmese women's sprt is really strong and admirealbe. women in burma are incredible even thouhg they would be non- eudcated, little educated , well educated or weel imformed person. Most of all, the pressed women are the most impressive in their family.

Being become Mother, they are dare to challenge to meet the trouble which is baisc needs.Burmese women

feeds the family. some are even more than that. Some would not only take care of the family but also funding to lead the family life. they're the dutyful mother although they were not pretty. some are not really pretty but they're the most beautiful mind granted from nature as gift which would never be disappeared.

Burmese women, most of them cultivate their generations' moral lessons , motivate their charachters and planting fture stars to shine in the cloudy sky. burmese women are traditionally shy, charming and vaule their customs.But that not mean that they're fear to communicate with you. they've enough self confidence to struggle their life on the state.

Yet, they still needed to promtote their fearless, observation and self confidence for they do not know how much impotant role they're playing in now. women in burma are necessary to learn more of the society, environment and politics. Perhpas, they have so much interested in new learning. they are needing encouragement to find out lots of things that left behing them for many years.

nawlaunghj: it's all my lot

nawlaunghj: it's all my lot

Jul 10, 2007


that people can be together is not unusual enough for me even in different part of the wolrd. being tech is getting higher, we able to keep in touch all the time. however, we can't see moon light together under the same sky.it rotates aobut 5 hours to get beam to you after i'd felt it four and half hous ahead of you.it's always be true. it'd always be pretty hard to be away from each other althugh we are very near day by day.
that's how we can share to sense our feeling at any time.then, we need to read face or eyes. being far away from each toher, we just albe to read the blog that we fold up.READ THIS so that you albe to get closed to me.
i always wonder why, how it's happened all the time to each one even in uncertain world.
nothing can be make it secure not to be lose anything between you. everything is changing all the time even in the smallest part of the second. when we look into our body, organizing that it's changing, the mechine in our own body is running to make different your physical appreanence day to day. and your environment is turnining into yellow surmmerine, scarlet spring, fonding falling and waterring wintering.
why don't something clear return to me, as i change into falling down, lonely now.but i never let me down cause i know how to ground the Thanatkar, to put on my pinky cheeks . hahaha ;;;)))

Jul 9, 2007



its' strange that people definate time does exist, partly of their life. unless they call it time, it would have been only nothing to regard but part of the world is still runing as we consider that Time is running as long as it does exist.

If we noticed that the earth is rotating faster than ever, we would count our days closer to die. the more the earth run quickly the less our lifespan last. It's obviously that long time ago, the people's lifespan last longer than nowadays. yet, there are still so many, much things needed to be done , meantime, that of done , that of will emerge in being unaweared what's our needs.

the way people think and live are still different, aim differ name differ, but someone, something would have archived the same goal as though they were provoked by the same event of the lenght of time. Excatly to say is that what we wanted isn't the our aim, just because of what we need is still ahead of our future. Needs in ours is the right things needed to be accomplished within some time.

In differnet way, some are still trying to get what they want even though what they wanted isn't really necessary for their lifespan being closer to die.
Oneday, one exact time, we all have to die but before that time we all wanted to kiss the the star from the sky which is clearly shining the sun for tomorrow while we're living under the same sky.